The VCare team consists of experts In Nursing Care, Quality in Healthcare, Software Development and Design, System Support, Training and Education, Finance, Marketing and Administration.

When you become part of the VCare family, your organisation enjoys access to this expertise. Our team regularly reviews international best practice, security standards, application functionality and user interface to ensure you maximise the return on your investment.


Check out the top ways VCare are experts in interpreting data and how this can help you provide the highest level of care for your residents:

  • Reporting
  • Automated Care Management
  • Dashboards
  • Integration


Reporting needs to be informative and fact-based to be completely accurate and allow facilities to make informed decisions based on results. Reporting that relies solely on opinion and not factual information and complex data can result in bias, human error and ultimately inaccurate and potentially harmful judgements and decisions being made due to these errors.

Within VCare, multiple reporting options are available, ranging from analysing falls to being able to plan care items and identifying ongoing risk areas. Giving staff access to relevant reports will help them perform to the best of their ability and means more effective and timely mining of pertinent information.

Automated Care Management

The primary challenge for clinical management is the duplication of clinical information and care actions not being completed in a specified timeframe. Processes may be completed more than once, resulting in inaccurate reporting and wasted additional time and effort. Another challenge is the visibility of clinical items that have been completed, due or are overdue. VCare helps reduce pressure on staff’s resources, enabling your team to manage care efficiently and be rewarding. VCare helps staff identify the most important tasks and add value to your resident’s experience.

Examples of Automated Care Management functionality within VCare that aid your resident’s journey and interpreting data include:

  • Care Plans are personalised using customised & pre-populated care items.

  • Automated reviewing of completed, in progress and overdue care items.

  • Automated performance management as it maintains a record of the task, date, time and who completed the work.

  • Triggers and checklists can be set to ensure care actions are completed.

  • Mandatory fields are available in assessments ensuring the user completes all critical sections before the assessment can be marked as complete.

  • Key risk areas are identified for each resident, which allows you to monitor any ongoing changes for that particular resident.

  • And so much more


VCare dashboards give you an easy-to-understand, visualised, quick view of your resident data providing valuable insight for your entire facility. By providing real-time access to resident information, your staff users can interact and evaluate information, helping them to make smarter, data-driven decisions and gain insights in seconds.

Dashboards breakdown your data into understandable content so you can adapt faster to the information that is being displayed. In addition, only data needed for particular roles are shown; staff aren’t confused with the information that doesn’t relate to their needs.


VCare Software is an expert in aged care management and has chosen to work with other experts in the industry, such as medication management, call bell systems and banks, to create an integrated software package that allows facilities to streamline workflows and processes.

There are a lot of specific needs in the aged care sector, and while there is an extensive range of software offerings which provide solutions that ease stresses for staff and speed up processes, there is no one software that does everything. In addition, using multiple applications or software that doesn’t integrate or talk with each other can be a nightmare for you and your staff. It not only puts additional pressure on staff to input data into various locations, but it increases inefficient data management and the likelihood of human error and double handling.

VCare’s integrations with a range of market leaders in the sector ensure your staff are working on tasks that matter and your data is secure, accurate and available in real-time so you can effectively interpret data to make better decisions.